Dental Care for Children

While our office does offer dental care for children, we may refer you to a pediatric dental specialist should the situation need it. Please contact our office to see if we are a good fit for your child’s needs.

Just as we take our kids to a pediatrician, it is also important to bring your children to the dentist for proper dental care. Our office provides proper care for your children to ensure their teeth and gums remain healthy for a lifetime.

It is recommended that your child visits their children’s dentist early in life. And, while all teeth might not be in when they visit, it is important to get them acclimated to visiting the dentist to establish a proper care routine.

Contact Smile Family Dental and let us be your family dentist in Oswego. Remember, by establishing proper pediatric dental care for children, you can pave the way for oral health care success for a lifetime.